Global oil pollution intelligence
Integrated solution for oil spills at sea: based on satellite observation, AI and high-end ocean modelling.
Most of the 2 million tons of oil discharged into the sea each year go undetected
This lack of awareness is mainly caused by the limitations of current technologies to survey large areas of the ocean and detect oil spills with high reliability. At the same time, understanding the future trajectory of oil spills to accurately predict which areas are likely to be impacted is of utmost importance.

The solution is based on satellite observation, artificial intelligence and high-end ocean modelling.
OKEANOS is a global web service where users can proactively monitor their areas of interest, detect and characterise any oil spill, identify the source and forecast its transport and transformation. OKEANOS reduces the cost of monitoring by a factor of 10 while increasing the monitoring capacity by a factor of 100, providing unprecedented insights like oil type identification, thickness mapping and spill quantification.

Oil spill crisis in the middle east
Both members of the consortium have been covering the oil spill crisis in the middle east, providing daily satellite-based monitoring and oil spill trajectory to media and stakeholders.

THE TIMES article
Syrian oil spill spreading across the Mediterranean (featured also in the CMCC website).

CNN article
Syrian oil spill spreads across the Mediterranean

WWF statement
Syrian oil spill spreads across the Mediterranean

Other projects in the Environment sector
This website is part of PARSEC Accelerator
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824478.